
Instuctor Training

Instructor Course (IDC) It’s about life transformations—both yours and those around you. You’ll begin networking with other professionals and begin to explore PADI Pro Diving Jobs worldwide. You can choose to continue your professional education by participating in specialty instructor courses, which train you to teach sp... Find Out More

Cana-Ribbean Platinum IDC Enjoy a SCUBA Vacation along with your Dive Kawartha Platinum IDC! Find Out More

Assistant Instructor Assistant Instructor?!?!   Can't Divemaster's go right to a full Instructor? In short, yes.  Divemaster's can register in our Instructor Development Course, which is a combination of the assistant instructor and Open Water Scuba Instructor course......So why do we have an AI course then? Find Out More

Specialty Instructor Training

PADI Specialty Instructor Course - Ice Diving Ice diving is one of the most adventurous scuba specialties. Learn to teach the roles and responsibilities of support personnel, tenders and safety divers.   Help others see beauty few others ever experience. Find Out More

PADI Specialty Instructor Course - Deep Diver Teach divers to explore deeper dive sites with confidence at depths down to 40 metres/130 ft.  Find Out More

PADI Specialty Instructor Course - Dry Suit Diver Learn to teach divers how becoming a dry suit diver allows them to expand their boundaries and dive more places, more often safely. Find Out More

PADI Specialty Instructor Course - AWARE Dive Against Debris Led by you, the PADI Instructor, now divers of all experience levels can be equipped with better knowledge of debris issues and empowered with the skills to complete ongoing Dive Against Debris surveys.  From planning the dive to reporting the debris data, the Dive Against Debris Distinctive Specialty prepares stu... Find Out More

PADI Specialty Instructor Course - DSMB Diver Many divers wouldn't think of diving without carrying a delayed surface marker buoy (DSMB), and in some locations it's considered required safety equipment. Knowing how to properly deploy and manage a DSMB are valuable skills you will master and learn techniques to teach divers in this specialty instructor... Find Out More

PADI Specialty Instructor Course - Search & Recovery Diver Teach divers to retrieve lost items that have fallen overboard or over a dock. Help students learn effective swimming patterns and using a lift bag for heavy objects. Find Out More

PADI Specialty Instructor Course - Self Reliant Diver When the buddy system works, it works well, but many divers are often left in precarious situations by a bad diving partner.  Become a PADI Self Reliant Diver Specialty Instructor and provide divers exposure to the skills needed to extricate oneself from such a situation and to emphasize the importance of proper d... Find Out More

PADI Specialty Instructor Course - Underwater Navigation Become an Underwater Navigator Specialty Instructor and teach divers to fine-tune their underwater observation skills and learn to use a compass more accurately. Find Out More

PADI Specialty Instructor Course - Wreck Diver Ships, airplanes and even cars are fascinating to explore and usually teem with aquatic life. Each wreck dive offers a chance for a new discovery.  Teach divers how to discover some of the most amazing adventures in scuba diving as a Wreck Diver Specialty Instructor. Find Out More

PADI Specialty Instructor Course - Drift Diver Drift diving can be relaxing and exhilarating. The course prepares you to teach divers how to enjoy going with the flow as they scuba dive down rivers and use ocean currents to glide along Find Out More

PADI Specialty Instructor Course - Night Diver The underwater world changes as day creatures retire & nocturnal organisms emerge. Learn to show divers what happens underwater after the sun goes down by becoming a PADI Night Diver Specialty Instructor. Find Out More

Distinctive Specialty Instructor Course - Regulator Fundamentals Become a Specialty Instructor for the PADI Distinctive Specailty - Regulator Fundamentals and start to help divers become more confident about their air delivery system when diving and to become better able to determine when regulators need to be serviced or tuned in addition to the manufacturers guidelines. Find Out More

PADI Specialty Instructor Course - Enriched Air (Nitrox) Diver Learn to teach the most popular PADI specialty course.   You will become an expert in teaching scuba diving with enriched air nitrox, and helping divers discover more no decompression time, especially on repetitive scuba dives. Find Out More

PADI Specialty Instructor Course - Emergency Oxygen Provide Become a PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider Specialty Instructor and teach divers to immediately recognize scuba diving illnesses treatable with emergency oxygen and be prepared to offer aid. There are no prerequisites or age restrictions for students in this course, making it a very marketable specialty instructor rating.... Find Out More

PADI Specialty Instructor Course - Equipment Specialist Learn how to effectively teach divers the theory, principals, operation and general maintenance of scuba diving equipment. Find Out More

PADI IDC Staff Instructor Wisdom and experience to share. As a seasoned PADI Instructor, you have wisdom and experience to share with up-and-coming PADI leaders. And, you know that continuing your education never ends.   In addition to the IDC Staff Instructor Classroom Sessions & Workshops, candidates must audit an entire IDC un... Find Out More

EFR Instructor (CPR & First Aid) CPR and first aid are key skills that are important to everyone, not just scuba divers. As an Emergency First Response Instructor, you teach skills based on internationally recognized emergency care guidelines, and you can offer courses to anyone. The great thing about EFR courses is they make learning easy by providin... Find Out More
