
PADI Mermaid Courses

Discover Mermaid Contact the Dive Center to book your Discover Mermaid experience or Mermaid Birthday Party. Find Out More

PADI Mermaid The PADI Mermaid™ course includes knowledge development and at least two water skill sessions that develop more dynamic mermaid skills beyond Basic Mermaid™, including many skills that make mermaiding an underwater self-expressive art, separate from other types of diving.   Contact the Dive Cente... Find Out More

Advanced Mermaid In the PADI Advanced Mermaid™ course, you'll build on your PADI Mermaid™ certification and apply it to the open water environment. You'll learn the basics of how the open water environment differs from a pool or confined water (larger, deeper, more variable conditions) and be introduced to open wate... Find Out More
